“We who go a-fishing are a peculiar people. Like other men and women in many respects, we are like one another, and like no others, in other respects. We understand each other’s thoughts by an intuition of which we know nothing. We cast our flies on many waters, where memories and fancies and facts rise, and we take them and show them to each other, and small or large, we are content with our catch.”

— W. C. Prime, “I Go A-Fishing,” 1873

This section is dedicated to departed members of the Michigan Fly Fishing Club

Flowers at the Balcony

Ron Balash

Chuck Baranski

John Beach

Dave Begley

Bill Bocks

Ryan Bonner

Al Bullock

John Butcher

Eric Center

Pete Cesaro, Sr.

Pete Cesaro

George Colonel

Bud Crudder

Jack Cummings

Frank Cupp

Michael Daly

Tom Derro

Art Dittmar

Martin (Peter) Dobrzeniecki

Jim Doig

Gordon Donaldson

Mike Doyle

Pat Dwyer

Jim Evans

Oscar Feliu

Ken Flowers

Larry A. Gangleard

Dan Gasparotto

Rusty Gates

Ray Geitka

Howard Geller

Ron Gilpin

Carl Glotzhober

Chet Goleski

Charlie Gray

Kathi Gross

Katherine Hammons

Ken Harle

Dave Hartman

Jim Holly

David Jolliffe

Larry Kale

Pat Karkanen

Donald Kelenski

Richard Kolbusz

John Long

L. Z. (Zyggi) Lawrence

Bill Lehmann

Manny Lopez

Bill MacArthur

Bill Merrill

Ken Mers

Gene Michaelson

Jim Mimnaugh

Bob Munson

John Pinto

Bob Pipp

Larry Prieur

Norm Recla

Rick Sak

Joe Sattler

Dick Schott

Steve Selinger

Herb Seymour

Joe Stefani

Jim Telinda

Jim Vandawalker

Bill Waara

Henry Wilamowski

Tony Yuhas

Mike Zulick