Scout School 2025

Scout School 2025! MFFC presents a fun-filled day learning all about fly fishing! This event is open to all registered Girl Scouts and Scouts BSA. Badge earning requirements are based on the Boy Scout Merit Badge requirements.

Wisconsin Driftless Outing

Fishing the driftless is the latest craze. Join the MFFC to fly fish the renowned “driftless area” in western Wisconsin, about 500 miles from metro Detroit. It’s easy wading; food and lodging is included. No extra charge for the entertaining company. Click through for details.

Montana Trip – Week 3

MFFC trip Yellowstone Park week 3 Montana Trip is once again in the Yellowstone Park area. We have 3 weeks reserved again at Driftwaters Resort, located in the Madison Valley just downstream from Quake Lake. Click through for week 3 details!

Smallmouth Outing

The annual Smallmouth Outing is in Port Austin, MI. The intention of this smallmouth outing is to come together as fellow anglers and enjoy a few days together fishing for ‘smallies’ and enjoying the camaraderie.

A list of recommended equipment is below for getting you going. If you have other preferences or favorites, go ahead and bring them. Hope to see you up on the Flats! Registration deadline is April 10th. No refunds given after the registration deadline.

Contact Renee at: [email protected]