Individuals that were not able to make it this year, are still eligible next year.
The Dick Schot New Member Outing builds on what new members knowledge base, applying it to the river with Club guides, good food, and cocktail hour presentations to up their game. Attendees should be able to show a safe level of wading proficiency. Get to know other Club members! Come join us!
The 2025 all inclusive fee is approximately $240 (subject to update in the new year).
This includes lodging, dinner Wednesday through Friday; breakfast Thursday through Saturday morning, bag lunches Thursday through Friday and Happy Hour.
Make checks out to “Michigan Fly Fishing Club” and bring them to a Club meeting, the Members School, Glenn (Event Chair), Jim (Club Treasurer), or even Kevin (Club President).
Payment due date is the date of the Members School, April 12, 2025.
Camp Wa Wa Sum, Grayling, MI 49738
Sign up by contacting: Glen Easterbrook.
New members are given first priority. Local visitors are welcome for evening visits. Come see who shows up!
Club guided fly fishing Wednesday, May 7 through Saturday, May 10.
Good food and good company.
Nightly informational presentations over cocktail hour.
Years ago, the club had a yearly outing at the Matabanic Lodge on the main stream of the Au Sable during the second or third weekend in June. We were shooting for the Hex hatch. Rarely did we hit it just right. “You should have been here last week,” we often heard. The trips were excellent though, whether we caught fish or not. While on one of these outings, the late Dick Schot, Ryan Angove, and Fred Field were working on their equipment and talking. We discussed renting the lodge for a second weekend, and it was suggested that the second week be for new members just learning the sport. First times — coming to the “Holy Water” for their first experience fly fishing. Within a few weeks, Dick was working on launching our first New Members Outing.
They couldn’t get the Lodge again in June, but because we had supported Michigan State University students in two river study programs and were a main contributor to Au Sable river conservation, we were able to get MSU’s Wa Wa Sum lodge for Mothers Day weekend. Dick was off and running. He got many involved to teach and guide the new members. He decided to start the outing on Thursday and end it on Saturday, so we would be home for Mothers Day — smart!
This became Dick’s project, and a big addition to the club’s education of the next generation of fly fishers. He enlisted a lot of us over the years as instructors, guides, presenters, and demonstrators.
When Dick was diagnosed with a fatal disease, it did not stop him. He ran the trip until he could not do it any longer. Today the trip survives as one of our most important outings.
In our Statement of Purpose we say that we will pass along to others the knowledge of fly fishing. This trip, our schools, and the scout outing help fulfill that promise.
Thanks to all who have worked on this outing — and thanks the most to Dick Schot, who made it happen in the first place. This outing is dedicated to the memory of a great teacher!