Come join us for activities night!
- Catch up with friends while tying along with our Featured Tyer Tom Sewruk, supplies for Tom’s Super Secret Fly will be provided. Featured tying is a BYOV event. (Bring thread too.)
- The Fly Casting Training & Education Center (TEC) will be open for casting. There you can find open casting with the option of a trained instructor to assist in all levels of ability – introductory to advanced.
- Ken Harfoot will be leading beginning tying, to tie the Puff Puff Midge, tools and materials provided.

- Access the Joe Sattler Memorial Library to check out travel, tying and casting books plus DVDs.
- Purchase Club goods for $5 (patches, stickers, license plate frames).
- Coming soon Club hats and shirts.
*MFFC business meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. EST, learn about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, hear fishing reports, and general Club information. The speaker will take the floor around 8:00 p.m. EST.*
Can’t make it in-person? Get a front row seat to the tying demonstration by joining us via Zoom.
MFFC Meeting Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 948 9489 3998
Passcode: Jvq0q6