Come join us for activities night! The Fly Casting Training & Education Center (TEC) will be open for casting. There you can find open casting with the option of a trained instructor to assist in all levels of ability – introductory to advanced. Ken Harfoot will be leading beginning tying, tools and materials provided.
Access the Joe Sattler Memorial Library to check out travel, tying and casting books plus DVDs. Also, purchase Club goods for $5 (patches, stickers, license plate frames).
Catch up with friends while tying along with our Featured Tyer TBD. Some supplies will be available. Featured tying is a BYOV event.
*MFFC business meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. EST, learn about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, hear fishing reports, and general Club information. The speaker will take the floor around 8:00 p.m. EST.*
Can’t make it in-person? Get a front row seat to the tying demonstration by joining us via Zoom.
MFFC Meeting Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 948 9489 3998
Passcode: Jvq0q6