September Activities Meeting – Featured Tyer Todd Schotts
Septembers Activities Meeting Featuring Tyer Todd Schotts is going to be tying Perdigons! Join us for casting, beginning and Todd level tying, catching up and more! Click through for details.
Septembers Activities Meeting Featuring Tyer Todd Schotts is going to be tying Perdigons! Join us for casting, beginning and Todd level tying, catching up and more! Click through for details.
Scott Freeburg will be our Featured Tyer on Zoom, or join us in person for casting and tying for all ability levels! Click through for more details.
The MFFC Public School event provides all equipment and knowledge you need to try out fly fishing! Try it before you buy it. Click through for more details.
Come join us for casting and tying for all ability levels! The Featured Tyer is TBD. Check back for more details.
Beginning fly tying is back (supplies provided)! Along with Featured Tyer Todd Schotts! Casting in the gym, and general catching up on fish tales from the long summer days.
Come join the MFFC collaborating with the Huron River Fishing Association to present all things Fly Tying at the Aug 19 Plymouth District Library Makers Fest!
The Midwest Fly Fishing Expo is only a few weeks away! Volunteer To Work – Click Here! Get your free worker pin! This year’s pins are designed by our own Corey Thelan, a legacy Club Member. Visit The NEW Expo Site – Click Here! Free Kids Corner activities including t-shirt Read more…
By Todd A. Schotts Vises of many. Being a production/custom fly tyer, tying at shows, and doing presentations I get a lot of questions about what fly tying vise would I recommend? I usually respond, “One that you feel comfortable with.” Knowing that isn’t really a great answer, it Read more…
Fly Tying Materials for sale in Perry, MI (near Lansing). Our Club was contacted regarding the following listing by a school teacher in Perry who teaches his students to tie flies. “Fly shop worth of fly tying materials. 30,000 Fly Tying Hooks, thread, dubbing, chenille, capes, saddle hackles, beads, thin Read more…
Todd Schotts, Activities Meeting Featured Tyer is teaching Clark’s Famous Twitch Minnow, also available is casting in the gym, library resources and coffee. Come join us!