The Greatest Bass Fly?
Finding greatest bass fly is always open to new fly fishing flies. Here is what I found in the industry today.
Finding greatest bass fly is always open to new fly fishing flies. Here is what I found in the industry today.
Fly fishing double rigs does not come without its challenges. Armed with knowledge, success can be yours! Click here for a great primer article on fly fishing double rigs from Hatch Magazine. I admit fishing double rigs is not always my idea of a good time. At some point the Read more…
A leader tying hack is a good thing. Tom walks you through supplies and set up. Try this one from Jeff Perrin of The Fly Fishers Place in Sisters, Oregon.
Get the latest fly rod review on the Winston Air 2, Winston Pure and Epic fly rods, along with a waders review to help you gear shop.
Over the summer I discovered a few equipment items that might be handy to help with your fishing travels. Wading Staff First off I strongly recommend using a wading staff. Mine has saved me more than once. The problem with wading staff cases is there is no way to attach Read more…
It is important to know what is happening regarding the proposed Camp Grayling expansion. This is one Lovells citizen speaking out about her research and what she’s found. When Opportunity Isn’t Concerns Regarding Sub-leasing of Public Lands for Testing References: DBusiness Camp Innovation Calling Private Industry to Camp Grayling’s Expansion
Fellow members and friends, My favorite place on earth to fish is in Central Oregon. Everything in Oregon is volcanic rock and the views are beyond exceptional. I have fished the Crooked, Deschutes, McKenzie and Metolius as well as a 3 Creeks Lake. Each of these rivers and the Read more…
I am sure most of us have broken fly rods. In my case I broke four of them. Every time I have broken a fly rod, I have been on a trip, and always had a back up rod available. I just didn’t always use it. The last rod I Read more…
Today I read an article in an online magazine, that mayflies are hatching on the Manistee River. The article did not specify where though. I guess you’d better all check your “Secret Spot.” I received my regular online update today from Motor City Anglers as well. They are featuring some Read more…